In the box / 奈良美智つながる輪 / 塩田千春Portrait of a Woman (Mme C.D.) / Amedeo ModiglianiSymphonic Sculpture / Gabriel LoireHaystacks at Giverny / Claude Monet南瓜 (直島) / 草間彌生少女 / 藤田嗣治無限門 / 李禹煥Sunset on the Seine in Winter / Claude MonetBird Burial / Roni HornWater Lilies / Claude Monet南瓜 (福岡) / 草間彌生Flower Vase with Thistles / Vincent Willem van Goghmy body, your smell, and ours / soh souenThe Prepared Bouquet / René Magritte月はまた昇る / 渡辺篤Antigone Consolatrice / Giorgio de Chirico巡る記憶 / 塩田千春